Acts 10 - 11
At Caesarea there was a man named Cornelius, a centurion of w what was known as the Italian Cohort,
a devout man x who feared God with all his household, gave alms generously to the people, and prayed continually to God.
y About the ninth hour of the day z he saw clearly in a vision a an angel of God come in and say to him, "Cornelius."
And he stared at him in terror and said, "What is it, Lord?" And he said to him, "Your prayers and your alms b have ascended c as a memorial before God.
And now send men to Joppa and bring one Simon who is called Peter.
He is lodging d with one Simon, a tanner, whose house is by the sea."
When the angel who spoke to him had departed, he called two of his servants and a devout soldier from among those who attended him,
and having related everything to them, he sent them to Joppa.
The next day, as they were on their journey and approaching the city, e Peter went up f on the housetop about g the sixth hour to pray.
And he became hungry and wanted something to eat, but while they were preparing it, he fell into h a trance
and saw i the heavens opened and something like a great sheet descending, being let down by its four corners upon the earth.
In it were all kinds of animals and reptiles and birds of the air.
And there came a voice to him: "Rise, Peter; kill and eat."
But Peter said, "By no means, Lord; j for I have never eaten anything that is k common or l unclean."
And the voice came to him again a second time, m "What God has made clean, do not call common."
This happened three times, and the thing was taken up at once to heaven.
Now while Peter was inwardly perplexed as to what n the vision that he had seen might mean, behold, o the men who were sent by Cornelius, having made inquiry for Simon's house, stood at the gate
and called out to ask whether Simon who was called Peter was lodging there.
And while Peter was pondering n the vision, p the Spirit said to him, "Behold, three men are looking for you.
Rise and go down and q accompany them without hesitation, for I have sent them."
And Peter went down to the men and said, "I am the one you are looking for. What is the reason for your coming?"
And they said, "Cornelius, a centurion, an upright and r God-fearing man, who is well spoken of by the whole Jewish nation, was directed by s a holy angel to send for you to come to his house and t to hear what you have to say."
So he invited them in to be his guests. The next day he rose and went away with them, and u some of v the brothers from Joppa accompanied him.
And on the following day they entered Caesarea. Cornelius was expecting them and had called together his relatives and close friends.
When Peter entered, Cornelius met him and w fell down at his feet and x worshiped him.
But Peter lifted him up, saying, y "Stand up; I too am a man."
And as he talked with him, he went in and found many persons gathered.
And he said to them, "You yourselves know how unlawful it is for a Jew z to associate with or to visit anyone of another nation, but a God has shown me that I should not call any person common or unclean.
So when I was sent for, I came without objection. I ask then why you sent for me."
And Cornelius said, b "Four days ago, about this hour, I was praying in my house at c the ninth hour, and behold, d a man stood before me in bright clothing
and said, 'Cornelius, e your prayer has been heard and your alms have been remembered before God.
Send therefore to Joppa and ask for Simon who is called Peter. He is lodging in the house of Simon, a tanner, by the sea.'
So I sent for you at once, and you have been kind enough to come. Now therefore we are all here in the presence of God to hear all that you have been commanded by the Lord."
So Peter opened his mouth and said: "Truly I understand that f God g shows no partiality,
but f in every nation anyone who fears him and h does what is right is acceptable to him.
As for i the word that he sent to Israel, j preaching good news of k peace through Jesus Christ ( l he is Lord of all),
you yourselves know what happened throughout all Judea, m beginning n from Galilee after the baptism that John proclaimed:
how o God anointed Jesus of Nazareth p with the Holy Spirit and with q power. He went about doing good and healing all r who were oppressed by the devil, s for God was with him.
And t we are witnesses of all that he did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. u They put him to death by hanging him on a tree,
but v God raised him on w the third day and made him to x appear,
y not to all the people but to us who had been chosen by God as z witnesses, who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead.
And a he commanded us to preach to the people and to testify b that he is the one appointed by God to be judge c of the living and the dead.
d To him e all the prophets bear witness that f everyone who believes in him receives g forgiveness of sins h through his name."
While Peter was still saying these things, i the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word.
And the believers from among j the circumcised who had come with Peter were amazed, because k the gift of the Holy Spirit l was poured out even on the Gentiles.
For they were hearing them m speaking in tongues and extolling God. Then Peter declared,
n "Can anyone withhold water for baptizing these people, who have received the Holy Spirit o just as we have?"
And he p commanded them q to be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ. Then they asked him to remain for some days.
Acts 11
Now the apostles and r the brothers who were throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God.
So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, s the circumcision party criticized him, saying,
t "You went to uncircumcised men and u ate with them."
But Peter began and explained it to them in order:
v "I was in the city of Joppa praying, and in a trance I saw a vision, something like a great sheet descending, being let down from heaven by its four corners, and it came down to me.
Looking at it closely, I observed animals and beasts of prey and reptiles and birds of the air.
And I heard a voice saying to me, 'Rise, Peter; kill and eat.'
But I said, 'By no means, Lord; for nothing common or unclean has ever entered my mouth.'
But the voice answered a second time from heaven, 'What God has made clean, do not call common.'
This happened three times, and all was drawn up again into heaven.
And behold, at that very moment three men arrived at the house in which we were, sent to me from Caesarea.
And the Spirit told me to go with them, w making no distinction. x These six brothers also accompanied me, and we entered the man's house.
And he told us how he had seen the angel stand in his house and say, 'Send to Joppa and bring Simon who is called Peter;
y he will declare to you a message by which z you will be saved, you and all your household.'
As I began to speak, a the Holy Spirit fell on them b just as on us at the beginning.
And I remembered the word of the Lord, how he said, c 'John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit.'
If then d God gave e the same gift to them as he gave to us f when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, g who was I h that I could stand in God's way?"
When they heard these things they fell silent. And they i glorified God, saying, j "Then to the Gentiles also God has k granted l repentance that leads to life."
m Now those who were scattered because of the persecution that arose over Stephen traveled as far as Phoenicia and Cyprus and Antioch, speaking the word to no one except Jews.
But there were some of them, men of Cyprus and Cyrene, who on coming to Antioch spoke to the Hellenists also, n preaching the Lord Jesus.
And o the hand of the Lord was with them, and a great number who believed p turned to the Lord.
The report of this came to the ears of the church in Jerusalem, and they sent Barnabas to Antioch.
When he came and saw q the grace of God, he was glad, and he exhorted them all to remain faithful to the Lord r with steadfast purpose,
for he was a good man, s full of the Holy Spirit and of faith. And a great many people t were added to the Lord.
So Barnabas went to u Tarsus to look for Saul,
and when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the church and taught a great many people. And in Antioch the disciples were first called v Christians.
Now in these days w prophets came down from Jerusalem to Antioch.
And one of them named x Agabus stood up and foretold y by the Spirit that there would be a great z famine over all the world (this took place in the days of a Claudius).
So the disciples determined, everyone according to his ability, b to send relief to c the brothers living in Judea.
d And they did so, sending it to e the elders by the hand of Barnabas and Saul.
Cross References
Matthew 27:27
Then the soldiers of the governor took Jesus into the governor's headquarters, and they gathered the whole battalion before him.
Mark 15:16
And the soldiers led him away inside the palace (that is, the governor's headquarters), and they called together the whole battalion.
John 18:3
So Judas, having procured a band of soldiers and some officers from the chief priests and the Pharisees, went there with lanterns and torches and weapons.
John 18:12
So the band of soldiers and their captain and the officers of the Jews arrested Jesus and bound him.
Cross References
Acts 10:22
And they said, "Cornelius, a centurion, an upright and God-fearing man, who is well spoken of by the whole Jewish nation, was directed by a holy angel to send for you to come to his house and to hear what you have to say.
Acts 13:16
So Paul stood up, and motioning with his hand said: "Men of Israel and you who fear God, listen.
Acts 13:26
Brothers, sons of the family of Abraham, and those among you who fear God, to us has been sent the message of this salvation.
Cross References
Acts 3:1
Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.
Cross References
Acts 10:17
Now while Peter was inwardly perplexed as to what the vision that he had seen might mean, behold, the men who were sent by Cornelius, having made inquiry for Simon's house, stood at the gate
Acts 10:19
And while Peter was pondering the vision, the Spirit said to him, "Behold, three men are looking for you.
Cross References
Acts 8:26
Now an angel of the Lord said to Philip, "Rise and go toward the south to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza." This is a desert place.
Cross References
Revelation 8:4
And the smoke of the incense, with the prayers of the saints, rose before God from the hand of the angel.
Psalms 141:2
Let my prayer be counted as incense before you, and the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice!
Daniel 10:12
Then he said to me, "Fear not, Daniel, for from the first day that you set your heart to understand and humbled yourself before your God, your words have been heard, and I have come because of your words.
Cross References
Matthew 26:13
Truly, I say to you, wherever this gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will also be told in memory of her.
Mark 14:9
And truly, I say to you, wherever the gospel is proclaimed in the whole world, what she has done will be told in memory of her.
Acts 10:31
And said, 'Cornelius, your prayer has been heard and your alms have been remembered before God.
Hebrews 6:10
For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love that you have shown for his name in serving the saints, as you still do.
Cross References
Acts 9:43
And he stayed in Joppa for many days with one Simon, a tanner.
Cross References
Acts 10:9 - 32
The next day, as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the housetop about the sixth hour to pray.
Acts 11:5 - 14
I was in the city of Joppa praying, and in a trance I saw a vision, something like a great sheet descending, being let down from heaven by its four corners, and it came down to me.
Cross References
2 Kings 23:12
And the altars on the roof of the upper chamber of Ahaz, which the kings of Judah had made, and the altars that Manasseh had made in the two courts of the house of the Lord, he pulled down and broke in pieces and cast the dust of them into the brook Kidron.
Jeremiah 19:13
The houses of Jerusalem and the houses of the kings of Judah - all the houses on whose roofs offerings have been offered to all the host of heaven, and drink offerings have been poured out to other gods - shall be defiled like the place of Topheth.'
Jeremiah 32:29
The Chaldeans who are fighting against this city shall come and set this city on fire and burn it, with the houses on whose roofs offerings have been made to Baal and drink offerings have been poured out to other gods, to provoke me to anger.
Zephaniah 1:5
Those who bow down on the roofs to the host of the heavens, those who bow down and swear to the Lord and yet swear by Milcom.
1 Samuel 9:25
And when they came down from the high place into the city, a bed was spread for Saul on the roof, and he lay down to sleep.
Cross References
Psalms 55:17
Evening and morning and at noon I utter my complaint and moan, and he hears my voice.
Cross References
Acts 22:17
When I had returned to Jerusalem and was praying in the temple, I fell into a trance
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John 1:51
And he said to him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, you will see heaven opened, and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man.
Cross References
Ezekiel 4:14
Then I said, "Ah, Lord God! Behold, I have never defiled myself. From my youth up till now I have never eaten what died of itself or was torn by beasts, nor has tainted meat come into my mouth.
Daniel 1:8
But Daniel resolved that he would not defile himself with the king's food, or with the wine that he drank. Therefore he asked the chief of the eunuchs to allow him not to defile himself.
Cross References
Acts 10:28
And he said to them, "You yourselves know how unlawful it is for a Jew to associate with or to visit anyone of another nation, but God has shown me that I should not call any person common or unclean.
Cross References
Leviticus 11:2 - 47
Speak to the people of Israel, saying, These are the living things that you may eat among all the animals that are on the earth.
Leviticus 20:25
You shall therefore separate the clean beast from the unclean, and the unclean bird from the clean. You shall not make yourselves detestable by beast or by bird or by anything with which the ground crawls, which I have set apart for you to hold unclean.
Deuteronomy 14:4 - 20
These are the animals you may eat: the ox, the sheep, the goat.
Cross References
Romans 14:2
One person believes he may eat anything, while ...
Romans 14:14
I know and am persuaded in the Lord Jesus that ...
Romans 14:20
Do not, for the sake of food, destroy the work ...
1 Timothy 4:4
For everything created by God is good, and noth...
Titus 1:15
To the pure, all things are pure, but to the de...
Matthew 15:11
It is not what goes into the mouth that defiles...
Mark 7:15
There is nothing outside a person that by going...
Mark 7:19
Since it enters not his heart but his stomach, ...
1 Corinthians 10:25
Eat whatever is sold in the meat market without...
Cross References
Acts 10:3
About the ninth hour of the day he saw clearly in a vision an angel of God come in and say to him, "Cornelius.
Cross References
Acts 10:7 - 8
When the angel who spoke to him had departed, he called two of his servants and a devout soldier from among those who attended him.
Cross References
Acts 10:17
Now while Peter was inwardly perplexed as to what the vision that he had seen might mean, behold, the men who were sent by Cornelius, having made inquiry for Simon's house, stood at the gate
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Acts 8:29
And the Spirit said to Philip, "Go over and join this chariot.
Cross References
Acts 15:7 - 9
And after there had been much debate, Peter stood up and said to them, "Brothers, you know that in the early days God made a choice among you, that by my mouth the Gentiles should hear the word of the gospel and believe.
Cross References
Acts 10:2
A devout man who feared God with all his household, gave alms generously to the people, and prayed continually to God.
Cross References
Mark 8:38
For whoever is ashamed of me and of my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, of him will the Son of Man also be ashamed when he comes in the glory of his Father with the holy angels.
Cross References
Acts 11:14
He will declare to you a message by which you will be saved, you and all your household.
Cross References
Acts 10:45
And the believers from among the circumcised who had come with Peter were amazed, because the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out even on the Gentiles.
Acts 11:12
And the Spirit told me to go with them, making no distinction. These six brothers also accompanied me, and we entered the man's house.
Cross References
John 21:23
So the saying spread abroad among the brothers that this disciple was not to die; yet Jesus did not say to him that he was not to die, but, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?
Cross References
Acts 16:29
And the jailer called for lights and rushed in, and trembling with fear he fell down before Paul and Silas.
Daniel 2:46
Then King Nebuchadnezzar fell upon his face and paid homage to Daniel, and commanded that an offering and incense be offered up to him.
Cross References
Matthew 8:2
And behold, a leper came to him and knelt before him, saying, "Lord, if you will, you can make me clean.
Cross References
Revelation 19:10
Then I fell down at his feet to worship him, but he said to me, "You must not do that! I am a fellow servant with you and your brothers who hold to the testimony of Jesus. Worship God." For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy.
Revelation 22:8 - 9
I, John, am the one who heard and saw these things. And when I heard and saw them, I fell down to worship at the feet of the angel who showed them to me.
Acts 14:15
Men, why are you doing these things? We also are men, of like nature with you, and we bring you good news, that you should turn from these vain things to a living God, who made the heaven and the earth and the sea and all that is in them.
Cross References
Acts 11:3
"You went to uncircumcised men and ate with them."
John 4:9
The Samaritan woman said to him, "How is it that you, a Jew, ask for a drink from me, a woman of Samaria?" ( For Jews have no dealings with Samaritans.)
John 18:28
Then they led Jesus from the house of Caiaphas to the governor's headquarters. It was early morning. They themselves did not enter the governor's headquarters, so that they would not be defiled, but could eat the Passover.
Galatians 2:12
For before certain men came from James, he was eating with the Gentiles; but when they came he drew back and separated himself, fearing the circumcision party.
Cross References
Acts 10:35
But in every nation anyone who fears him and does what is right is acceptable to him.
Acts 10:14 - 15
But Peter said, "By no means, Lord; for I have never eaten anything that is common or unclean.
Cross References
Acts 10:9
The next day, as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the housetop about the sixth hour to pray.
Acts 10:23 - 24
So he invited them in to be his guests. The next day he rose and went away with them, and some of the brothers from Joppa accompanied him.
Cross References
Acts 3:1
Now Peter and John were going up to the temple at the hour of prayer, the ninth hour.
Cross References
Acts 1:10
And while they were gazing into heaven as he went, behold, two men stood by them in white robes.
Cross References
Acts 10:4
And he stared at him in terror and said, "What is it, Lord?" And he said to him, "Your prayers and your alms have ascended as a memorial before God.
Cross References
Acts 10:28
And he said to them, "You yourselves know how unlawful it is for a Jew to associate with or to visit anyone of another nation, but God has shown me that I should not call any person common or unclean.
Acts 15:19
Therefore my judgment is that we should not trouble those of the Gentiles who turn to God.
Deuteronomy 1:17
You shall not be partial in judgment. You shall hear the small and the great alike. You shall not be intimidated by anyone, for the judgment is God's. And the case that is too hard for you, you shall bring to me, and I will hear it.
Romans 3:29
Or is God the God of Jews only? Is he not the God of Gentiles also? Yes, of Gentiles also.
Deuteronomy 10:17
For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, the mighty, and the awesome God, who is not partial and takes no bribe.
Cross References
Proverbs 24:23
These also are sayings of the wise. Partiality in judging is not good.
James 2:1
My brothers, show no partiality as you hold the faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory.
James 2:9
But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors.
Jude 1:16
These are grumblers, malcontents, following their own sinful desires; they are loud-mouthed boasters, showing favoritism to gain advantage.
Cross References
Acts 10:34
So Peter opened his mouth and said: "Truly I understand that God shows no partiality.
Cross References
Isaiah 64:5
You meet him who joyfully works righteousness, those who remember you in your ways. Behold, you were angry, and we sinned; in our sins we have been a long time, and shall we be saved?
Cross References
Acts 13:26
Brothers, sons of the family of Abraham, and those among you who fear God, to us has been sent the message of this salvation.
Psalms 107:20
He sent out his word and healed them, and delivered them from their destruction.
Psalms 147:18 - 19
He sends out his word, and melts them; he makes his wind blow and the waters flow.
Cross References
Isaiah 52:7
How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, "Your God reigns.
Nahum 1:15
Behold, upon the mountains, the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace! Keep your feasts, O Judah; fulfill your vows, for never again shall the worthless pass through you; he is utterly cut off.
Ephesians 2:17
And he came and preached peace to you who were far off and peace to those who were near.
Cross References
Luke 2:14
"Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased!"
Cross References
Romans 10:12
For there is no distinction between Jew and Greek; for the same Lord is Lord of all, bestowing his riches on all who call on him.
Revelation 17:14
They will make war on the Lamb, and the Lamb will conquer them, for he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those with him are called and chosen and faithful.
Revelation 19:16
On his robe and on his thigh he has a name written, King of kings and Lord of lords.
Acts 2:36
Let all the house of Israel therefore know for certain that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.
Matthew 28:18
And Jesus came and said to them, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.
Cross References
Luke 24:47
And that repentance and forgiveness of sins should be proclaimed in his name to all nations, beginning from Jerusalem.
Cross References
Matthew 4:12
Now when he heard that John had been arrested, he withdrew into Galilee.
Mark 1:14
Now after John was arrested, Jesus came into Galilee, proclaiming the gospel of God.
Cross References
Matthew 3:16
And when Jesus was baptized, immediately he went up from the water, and behold, the heavens were opened to him, and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and coming to rest on him.
John 1:32 - 33
And John bore witness: "I saw the Spirit descend from heaven like a dove, and it remained on him.
Acts 4:26
The kings of the earth set themselves, and the rulers were gathered together, against the Lord and against his Anointed' -
Cross References
Acts 1:2
Until the day when he was taken up, after he had given commands through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen.
Acts 2:22
Men of Israel, hear these words: Jesus of Nazareth, a man attested to you by God with mighty works and wonders and signs that God did through him in your midst, as you yourselves know -
Matthew 12:28
But if it is by the Spirit of God that I cast out demons, then the kingdom of God has come upon you.
Luke 4:18
The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty those who are oppressed.
Romans 1:4
And was declared to be the Son of God in power according to the Spirit of holiness by his resurrection from the dead, Jesus Christ our Lord.
Cross References
Luke 6:19
And all the crowd sought to touch him, for power came out from him and healed them all.
Cross References
Matthew 4:24
So his fame spread throughout all Syria, and they brought him all the sick, those afflicted with various diseases and pains, those oppressed by demons, epileptics, and paralytics, and he healed them.
Luke 13:16
And ought not this woman, a daughter of Abraham whom Satan bound for eighteen years, be loosed from this bond on the Sabbath day?
Cross References
John 8:29
And he who sent me is with me. He has not left me alone, for I always do the things that are pleasing to him.
John 10:38
But if I do them, even though you do not believe me, believe the works, that you may know and understand that the Father is in me and I am in the Father.
Cross References
Acts 10:41
Not to all the people but to us who had been chosen by God as witnesses, who ate and drank with him after he rose from the dead.
Acts 2:32
This Jesus God raised up, and of that we all are witnesses.
Luke 24:48
You are witnesses of these things.
Cross References
Acts 5:30
The God of our fathers raised Jesus, whom you killed by hanging him on a tree.
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Acts 2:24
God raised him up, loosing the pangs of death, because it was not possible for him to be held by it.
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Luke 9:22
Saying, "The Son of Man must suffer many things and be rejected by the elders and chief priests and scribes, and be killed, and on the third day be raised.
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Acts 1:3
He presented himself alive to them after his suffering by many proofs, appearing to them during forty days and speaking about the kingdom of God.
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John 14:21 - 22
Whoever has my commandments and keeps them, he it is who loves me. And he who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I will love him and manifest myself to him.
Cross References
Acts 10:39
And we are witnesses of all that he did both in the country of the Jews and in Jerusalem. They put him to death by hanging him on a tree.
Cross References
Acts 1:2
Until the day when he was taken up, after he had given commands through the Holy Spirit to the apostles whom he had chosen.
Cross References
Acts 17:31
Because he has fixed a day on which he will jud...
Acts 24:25
And as he reasoned about righteousness and self...
John 5:22
The Father judges no one, but has given all jud...
John 5:27
And he has given him authority to execute judgm...
2 Corinthians 5:10
For we must all appear before the judgment seat...
Matthew 16:27
For the Son of Man is going to come with his an...
Cross References
2 Timothy 4:1
I charge you in the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who is to judge the living and the dead, and by his appearing and his kingdom:
1 Peter 4:5
But they will give account to him who is ready to judge the living and the dead.
Romans 14:9 - 10
For to this end Christ died and lived again, that he might be Lord both of the dead and of the living.
1 Thessalonians 4:15
For this we declare to you by a word from the Lord, that we who are alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will not precede those who have fallen asleep.
1 Thessalonians 4:17
Then we who are alive, who are left, will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we will always be with the Lord.
Cross References
Acts 26:22
To this day I have had the help that comes from God, and so I stand here testifying both to small and great, saying nothing but what the prophets and Moses said would come to pass:
Romans 3:21
But now the righteousness of God has been manifested apart from the law, although the Law and the Prophets bear witness to it -
Jeremiah 31:34
And no longer shall each one teach his neighbor and each his brother, saying, 'Know the Lord,' for they shall all know me, from the least of them to the greatest, declares the Lord. For I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
Cross References
Acts 3:18
But what God foretold by the mouth of all the prophets, that his Christ would suffer, he thus fulfilled.
Acts 3:24
And all the prophets who have spoken, from Samuel and those who came after him, also proclaimed these days.
Luke 24:27
And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he interpreted to them in all the Scriptures the things concerning himself.
Cross References
Acts 11:17
If then God gave the same gift to them as he ga...
Acts 13:38
Let it be known to you therefore, brothers, tha...
Acts 15:9
And he made no distinction between us and them,...
Romans 9:33
As it is written, "Behold, I am laying in Zion ...
Romans 10:11
For the Scripture says, "Everyone who believes ...
Galatians 3:22
But the Scripture imprisoned everything under s...
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Acts 5:31
God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.
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Acts 2:38
And Peter said to them, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 4:12
And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.
John 20:31
But these are written so that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name.
1 John 2:12
I am writing to you, little children, because your sins are forgiven for his name's sake.
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Acts 11:15
As I began to speak, the Holy Spirit fell on them just as on us at the beginning.
Acts 15:8
And God, who knows the heart, bore witness to them, by giving them the Holy Spirit just as he did to us.
1 Thessalonians 1:5
Because our gospel came to you not only in word, but also in power and in the Holy Spirit and with full conviction. You know what kind of men we proved to be among you for your sake.
Acts 2:4
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Cross References
Acts 10:23
So he invited them in to be his guests. The next day he rose and went away with them, and some of the brothers from Joppa accompanied him.
Acts 11:2
So when Peter went up to Jerusalem, the circumcision party criticized him, saying.
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Acts 2:38
And Peter said to them, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
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Acts 2:17
'And in the last days it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit on all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams.
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Mark 16:17
And these signs will accompany those who believe: in my name they will cast out demons; they will speak in new tongues.
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Acts 8:36
And as they were going along the road they came to some water, and the eunuch said, "See, here is water! What prevents me from being baptized?
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Acts 2:4
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
Acts 11:17
If then God gave the same gift to them as he gave to us when we believed in the Lord Jesus Christ, who was I that I could stand in God's way?
Acts 15:8
And God, who knows the heart, bore witness to them, by giving them the Holy Spirit just as he did to us.
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1 Corinthians 1:14 - 17
I thank God that I baptized none of you except Crispus and Gaius.
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Acts 2:38
And Peter said to them, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Acts 8:12
But when they believed Philip as he preached good news about the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ, they were baptized, both men and women.
Acts 8:16
For he had not yet fallen on any of them, but they had only been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.
Cross References
Acts 11:29
So the disciples determined, everyone according to his ability, to send relief to the brothers living in Judea.
John 21:23
So the saying spread abroad among the brothers that this disciple was not to die; yet Jesus did not say to him that he was not to die, but, "If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you?
Cross References
Acts 10:45
And the believers from among the circumcised who had come with Peter were amazed, because the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out even on the Gentiles.
Galatians 2:12
For before certain men came from James, he was eating with the Gentiles; but when they came he drew back and separated himself, fearing the circumcision party.
Colossians 4:11
And Jesus who is called Justus. These are the only men of the circumcision among my fellow workers for the kingdom of God, and they have been a comfort to me.
Titus 1:10
For there are many who are insubordinate, empty talkers and deceivers, especially those of the circumcision party.
Romans 4:12
And to make him the father of the circumcised who are not merely circumcised but who also walk in the footsteps of the faith that our father Abraham had before he was circumcised.
Cross References
Galatians 2:12
For before certain men came from James, he was eating with the Gentiles; but when they came he drew back and separated himself, fearing the circumcision party.
Galatians 2:14
But when I saw that their conduct was not in step with the truth of the gospel, I said to Cephas before them all, "If you, though a Jew, live like a Gentile and not like a Jew, how can you force the Gentiles to live like Jews?
Acts 10:28
And he said to them, "You yourselves know how unlawful it is for a Jew to associate with or to visit anyone of another nation, but God has shown me that I should not call any person common or unclean.
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Luke 15:2
And the Pharisees and the scribes grumbled, saying, "This man receives sinners and eats with them.
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Acts 11:5 - 14
I was in the city of Joppa praying, and in a trance I saw a vision, something like a great sheet descending, being let down from heaven by its four corners, and it came down to me.
Acts 10:9 - 32
The next day, as they were on their journey and approaching the city, Peter went up on the housetop about the sixth hour to pray.
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Acts 15:9
And he made no distinction between us and them, having cleansed their hearts by faith.
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Acts 10:23
So he invited them in to be his guests. The next day he rose and went away with them, and some of the brothers from Joppa accompanied him.
Acts 10:45
And the believers from among the circumcised who had come with Peter were amazed, because the gift of the Holy Spirit was poured out even on the Gentiles.
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Acts 10:22
And they said, "Cornelius, a centurion, an upright and God-fearing man, who is well spoken of by the whole Jewish nation, was directed by a holy angel to send for you to come to his house and to hear what you have to say.
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Acts 10:2
A devout man who feared God with all his household, gave alms generously to the people, and prayed continually to God.
Acts 16:15
And after she was baptized, and her household as well, she urged us, saying, "If you have judged me to be faithful to the Lord, come to my house and stay." And she prevailed upon us.
Acts 16:31 - 34
And they said, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved, you and your household.
Acts 18:8
Crispus, the ruler of the synagogue, believed in the Lord, together with his entire household. And many of the Corinthians hearing Paul believed and were baptized.
John 4:53
The father knew that was the hour when Jesus had said to him, "Your son will live." And he himself believed, and all his household.
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Acts 10:44
While Peter was still saying these things, the Holy Spirit fell on all who heard the word.
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Acts 2:4
And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance.
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Acts 1:5
For John baptized with water, but you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit not many days from now.
Acts 19:2
And he said to them, "Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?" And they said, "No, we have not even heard that there is a Holy Spirit.
Matthew 3:11
I baptize you with water for repentance, but he who is coming after me is mightier than I, whose sandals I am not worthy to carry. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
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Acts 10:47
"Can anyone withhold water for baptizing these people, who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?"
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Acts 2:38
And Peter said to them, "Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins, and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.
Cross References
Ephesians 1:13
In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit.
Acts 10:43
To him all the prophets bear witness that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name.
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Romans 9:20
But who are you, O man, to answer back to God? Will what is molded say to its molder, "Why have you made me like this?
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Acts 10:47
"Can anyone withhold water for baptizing these people, who have received the Holy Spirit just as we have?"
Acts 5:39
But if it is of God, you will not be able to overthrow them. You might even be found opposing God!" So they took his advice.
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Acts 21:20
And when they heard it, they glorified God. And they said to him, "You see, brother, how many thousands there are among the Jews of those who have believed. They are all zealous for the law.
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Acts 13:47
For so the Lord has commanded us, saying, "'I have made you a light for the Gentiles, that you may bring salvation to the ends of the earth.'
Matthew 8:11
I tell you, many will come from east and west and recline at table with Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob in the kingdom of heaven.
Acts 10:34 - 35
So Peter opened his mouth and said: "Truly I understand that God shows no partiality.
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Acts 5:31
God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior, to give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins.
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2 Corinthians 7:10
For godly grief produces a repentance that leads to salvation without regret, whereas worldly grief produces death.
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Acts 8:1
And Saul approved of his execution. And there arose on that day a great persecution against the church in Jerusalem, and they were all scattered throughout the regions of Judea and Samaria, except the apostles.
Acts 8:4
Now those who were scattered went about preaching the word.
Cross References
John 7:35
The Jews said to one another, "Where does this man intend to go that we will not find him? Does he intend to go to the Dispersion among the Greeks and teach the Greeks?
Acts 5:42
And every day, in the temple and from house to house, they did not cease teaching and preaching Jesus as the Christ.
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Acts 13:11
And now, behold, the hand of the Lord is upon you, and you will be blind and unable to see the sun for a time." Immediately mist and darkness fell upon him, and he went about seeking people to lead him by the hand.
Luke 1:66
And all who heard them laid them up in their hearts, saying, "What then will this child be?" For the hand of the Lord was with him.
Psalms 80:17
But let your hand be on the man of your right hand, the son of man whom you have made strong for yourself!
Psalms 89:21
So that my hand shall be established with him; my arm also shall strengthen him.
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Acts 9:35
And all the residents of Lydda and Sharon saw him, and they turned to the Lord.
Cross References
Acts 13:43
And after the meeting of the synagogue broke up...
Acts 14:26
And from there they sailed to Antioch, where th...
Acts 20:24
But I do not account my life of any value nor a...
Acts 20:32
And now I commend you to God and to the word of...
Romans 5:15
But the free gift is not like the trespass. For...
2 Corinthians 6:1
Working together with him, then, we appeal to y...
Ephesians 3:2
Assuming that you have heard of the stewardship...
Ephesians 3:7
Of this gospel I was made a minister according ...
Colossians 1:6
Which has come to you, as indeed in the whole w...
Titus 2:11
For the grace of God has appeared, bringing sal...
Hebrews 12:15
See to it that no one fails to obtain the grace...
1 Peter 5:12
By Silvanus, a faithful brother as I regard him...
Acts 4:33
And with great power the apostles were giving t...
Acts 15:40
But Paul chose Silas and departed, having been ...
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2 Timothy 3:10
You, however, have followed my teaching, my conduct, my aim in life, my faith, my patience, my love, my steadfastness.
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Acts 6:5
And what they said pleased the whole gathering, and they chose Stephen, a man full of faith and of the Holy Spirit, and Philip, and Prochorus, and Nicanor, and Timon, and Parmenas, and Nicolaus, a proselyte of Antioch.
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Acts 5:14
And more than ever believers were added to the Lord, multitudes of both men and women.
Acts 11:26
And when he had found him, he brought him to Antioch. For a whole year they met with the church and taught a great many people. And in Antioch the disciples were first called Christians.
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Acts 9:30
And when the brothers learned this, they brought him down to Caesarea and sent him off to Tarsus.
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Acts 26:28
And Agrippa said to Paul, "In a short time would you persuade me to be a Christian?
1 Peter 4:16
Yet if anyone suffers as a Christian, let him not be ashamed, but let him glorify God in that name.
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Acts 13:1
Now there were in the church at Antioch prophets and teachers, Barnabas, Simeon who was called Niger, Lucius of Cyrene, Manaen a member of the court of Herod the tetrarch, and Saul.
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Acts 21:10
While we were staying for many days, a prophet named Agabus came down from Judea.
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Acts 2:18
Even on my male servants and female servants in those days I will pour out my Spirit, and they shall prophesy.
Acts 8:29
And the Spirit said to Philip, "Go over and join this chariot.
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Matthew 24:7
For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places.
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Acts 18:2
And he found a Jew named Aquila, a native of Pontus, recently come from Italy with his wife Priscilla, because Claudius had commanded all the Jews to leave Rome. And he went to see them.
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Acts 24:17
Now after several years I came to bring alms to my nation and to present offerings.
Romans 15:26
For Macedonia and Achaia have been pleased to make some contribution for the poor among the saints at Jerusalem.
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Acts 11:1
Now the apostles and the brothers who were throughout Judea heard that the Gentiles also had received the word of God.
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Acts 12:25
And Barnabas and Saul returned from Jerusalem when they had completed their service, bringing with them John, whose other name was Mark.
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Acts 14:23
And when they had appointed elders for them in ...
Acts 15:2
And after Paul and Barnabas had no small dissen...
Acts 15:4
When they came to Jerusalem, they were welcomed...
Acts 15:6
The apostles and the elders were gathered toget...
Acts 16:4
As they went on their way through the cities, t...
Acts 20:17
Now from Miletus he sent to Ephesus and called ...
Acts 21:18
On the following day Paul went in with us to Ja...
1 Timothy 5:17
Let the elders who rule well be considered wort...
1 Timothy 5:19
Do not admit a charge against an elder except o...
Titus 1:5
This is why I left you in Crete, so that you mi...
James 5:14
Is anyone among you sick? Let him call for the ...
2 John 1:1
The elder to the elect lady and her children, w...
3 John 1:1
The elder to the beloved Gaius, whom I love in ...
English Standard Version (ESV) The Holy Bible, English Standard Version Copyright © 2001 by Crossway Bibles, a division of Good News Publishers.