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Where in the Bible can I find comfort for the loss of a child?


Clarify Share Report Asked January 02 2014 1385953188 Kristie Crawford

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Mini Johnnatta Giles Spirit Filled Christian
First off I would like to say I'm very sorry. I have lost a child too. I believe that depending on your personal relationship the Lord will lead you to the scripture that will speak to you most. The one the Lord led me to was the story of David and Bathsheba's loss of a child. For my daughter went to heaven one hour after birth. Reading of the strength of David getting through that helped me so much. I knew I could not mourn forever that God had a plan for me and that she was with Him. I hope all is well with you since you posted this awhile ago. Hopefully God led you to that comfort! God bless you and your family.

January 23 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

1423432125 Linda Davies Administrator
I read with sadness about your loss. I have lost virtually my entire family, being my parents and all 3 of my sisters. Although the Bible says to limit the days of mourning to 40, the grieving is for a lifetime. The gap they leave no one can fill and I will forever carry each of them in my heart until we meet again someday in Heaven. Life goes on because it has to, but my tears are never far away. God has blessed me with a new family now to love and enjoy, and I will forever be thankful to Him for them and for the memory of my late family.

October 13 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

95 1 Jay Saunders
The biggest hardest loss of a child to go through is regret. We wish that we would of done more. Grief is a part of death but even grief must be checked. Meaning a time of greiving is or should be limited. You see all your grieving will not change death. A child went to heaven then rejoice a child went to hell grieve but do not grieve long. Because it changes nothing and can distroy you or your marriage. The old testament put a limit on grieving of 40 days. I lost a son, a sister and a mother and I grieved there loss but I limited that time because you must have balance in all things in life.

April 08 2014 1 response Vote Up Share Report

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