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How old was Terah when he became the father of Abraham, 70 or 130?


Clarify Share Report Asked December 11 2013 Image George Delmindo

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Beach Jae Park
There are two possibility as your questions suggested. 
The following is my assumptions as well. 

We need to consider 4 bible verses all together. 
1) Terah had Ab at age 70 [Gen 11:26]
2) Ab left Harran after the death of his father [Act 7:4]
3) Ab was 75yrs old when he had left Haran [Gen 12:4]
4) having a child at age 100 is not possible [Gen 17:17] 

Possibility 1: Terah had Ab at age 70yrs [Gen 11:26] 
The problems of this possibility: when Abram 75yrs old, he left Harran at the death of his father; but Terah was 145, he was not dead physically, according to Act 7:4. 
If we stick to age 70 of Terah, then Terah died when Ab was in Canaan which is contradicting to Act 7:4

Possibility 2: Terah had Ab at age 130 [Act 7:4]
If we consider Act 7:4, when Ab was 75yrs, Terah died at age 205. Therefore, Ab was born when Terah was 130yrs. 
The problem of this possiblity; Ab did not believe having a child at age 100yr is possible.
but in reality, his own father was 130yrs old when he was born, so this possibility did not make sense. 
In Summary, 
1) At this point, we need to choose it since both possibilities have some problems. 
2) If you believe Terah was 70yr, then Terah was dead spiritually when Ab left Harran. 
3) If you believe Terah was 130yrs, then Ab became so negative that he forgot his father's case for having him at the age of 130. and probably Ab was not first son, since Terah had sons at age 70. 

4) Personally, I believe Terah was age 130yrs when Ab was born, and when Ab was 75yrs, Terah died at the age of 205. And regarding having a child at the age of 100, possibly, most of time, in general, most people had child before 100yrs old, and his father Terah's case was exceptional case for Ab's understanding. 

5) Anyway, whatever your choose to accept is fine, since this does not affect the gospel, or the way of salvation, or the power of God, or the grace of God in the life of Ab.

December 13 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

1377776450 Pst Mike Nnadi
Terah was 70 years old when he became the father of Abraham.

December 13 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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