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Should Christians perform the sign of the cross and what is its meaning?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 01 2013 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
The practice of tracing the sign of the cross is most prominent in the Roman Catholic Church but is also practiced in the Eastern Orthodox, Coptic, Lutheran, Anglican, and Episcopalian churches. The history of the sign of the cross goes back as far as Tertullian, the early church father who lived between A.D. 160 and 220. Tertullian wrote, "In all our travels and movements, in all our coming in and going out, in putting off our shoes, at the bath, at the table, in lighting our candles, in lying down, in sitting down, whatever employment occupieth us, we mark our foreheads with the sign of the cross."

Originally, a small cross was traced by the thumb or finger on one's own forehead. While it is difficult to pinpoint exactly when the switch was made from tracing a small cross on the forehead to the modern practice of tracing a larger cross from forehead to chest and shoulder to shoulder, we do know that the switch had occurred by the eleventh century A.D., when the Prayer Book of King Henry provides an instruction to "mark with the holy cross the four sides of the body."

Catholics find support for the sign of the cross primarily in their many years of church tradition and, secondarily, in Exodus 17:9-14 and Revelation 7:3; 9:4; 14:1. While the passages do speak of a sign on the forehead for protection from God's judgment, they must be interpreted in light of their context. On the basis of their context, there is no reason to believe any of the verses prescribe the ritualistic sign of the cross.

In the sixteenth century, one of the central tenets of the Protestant Reformation was "sola scriptura," whereby any practice that didn't line up with Scripture was jettisoned. The English Reformers believed the use of the sign of the cross should be left up to the individual, as was written in the Prayer Book of King Edward VI. "...Kneeling, crossing, holding up of hands, knocking upon the breast, and other gestures, they may be used, or left, as every man's devotion serveth without blame." Protestants generally viewed the sign as a tradition that was unsupported by Scripture, or even as idolatrous, and it was therefore abandoned by most.

While the Bible does not instruct us to cross ourselves, the sign of the cross is not without biblical symbolism. The shape of the sign is a reminder of the cross of Christ. Historically, the sign has also been viewed as representing the trinity: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ and His substitutionary death on the cross, salvation is extended as a free gift to all of humanity. The doctrine of the trinity teaches the Godhead: one God existing in three distinct persons. Both doctrines are foundational to both Catholics and Protestants and are certainly well-founded biblically. The sign of the cross has at certain points been associated with supernatural powers such as repelling evil, demons, etc. This mystical aspect of the sign of the cross is completely false and cannot be supported biblically in any way.

The mystical aspect aside, tracing the sign of the cross is neither right nor wrong and can be positive if it serves to remind a person of the cross of Christ and/or the trinity. Unfortunately, such is not always the case, and many people simply go through the motions of the ritual of signing themselves without a knowledge of why they do it. A final analysis of the sign of the cross is that it is by no means required of Christians because it is not instructed by the Word of God.


July 01 2013 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

My passport new Arun Kumar Engineer, Chennai, India
In my perspective, the cross was just a killing instrument practiced by the Romans as a form of capital punishment. None of the apostles glorified the cross itself or its sign (they emphasized only the sacrifice of Jesus, by terming "the doctrine of the cross"). 

The Cross has been glorified by Christians of the Roman Empire.

Up to the period of Constantine, the Cross was not used as a symbol of Christianity. Only after Constantine, the Christians who followed him glorified the cross. The Cross is a symbol that denotes ‘Jesus was killed’. Jesus was not the only person who was killed on a Cross. During the rule of Roman emperors, Cross was one of the many instruments used to execute capital punishment. Thus many were killed by crucifixion on the cross.
The Cross cannot be a symbol to denote the resurrection of Jesus as Jesus did not resurrect on the cross. The symbol of resurrection of Jesus is the empty tomb.

Thus we see that the Cross cannot be symbol of the ‘death and resurrection’ of Jesus.

Jesus Christ (1) died, (2) resurrected and (3) saved mankind by forgiving their sins and cleansing them with his blood.

A symbol that will denote all the above three attributes alone will qualify to be a symbol that will explain the gospel of Jesus Christ. The Cross cannot symbolize all the above mentioned three attributes.

Romans who ruled Europe with their capital at Rome and the Europeanized Christians who were their followers believed that the Cross is the symbol which denoted the above stated three attributes of the Gospel of Jesus. This is a wrong belief.

June 09 2014 2 responses Vote Up Share Report

Stringio Vincent Mercado Supporter Skeptic turned believer, Catholic, father of 3
The sign of the cross was a sign of great physical and mental torture, of unbearable pain, suffering and death. 

One reason to make the sign of the cross would be to remind ourselves that following Christ means being ready to be persecuted for what we believe. (John 15:20) By making the sign of the cross, we announce to the world that we are not afraid of torture, pain, suffering, even death. (Acts 7:59)

The Catholic Church represents Christianity in the eyes of the world, more than any one in the world. We're hated, despised and persecuted because we speak out against abortion, contraception, fornication, divorce, gay marriage and euthanasia, precisely as Jesus said we would be.

June 11 2014 6 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Penny Starliper
I understand that there are many traditions that exist in various religious sects. They are originally created to further express themselves when praying to God. This is my opinion...I see no problem with expressing the traditions of your faith as long as the glory goes to God and not to man. If the sign of the cross becomes just a motion of habit when used at particular times then one should consider why they are doing it...for others to see them doing it, or just a habit. We all need to be thoughtful and review the reasons why we practice traditions, what are our motives? 

I have wondered why we use the phrase "to remind me of what Jesus did for me on the cross" when using motions (like the sign of the cross) or symbols (such as a cross worn around the neck). I wear cross jewelry too. But, in my opinion, I don't think it should be noted as a reminder. Christians don't need to be reminded. We think and converse with God all the time, every day. I think of what a non-Christian would think of our faith if we needed signs or symbols to REMIND us of our God.

Just some thoughts here to consider. Love you all as my sisters and brothers in Christ Jesus, as we all strive together to be more and think more about Jesus.

September 02 2017 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Open uri20130923 15840 15htij1 John Fernandes
According to some Jewish parents always bless their children every day - this is what I am being told by laying their hand on the head of the child.

Cross is the symbol of Death and Resurrection of Jesus overcoming the death.

I do not find any thing wrong to bless one self or others by the Sign of the Cross, it also symbolize the calling of The Father, The Son & The Holy Spirit.

You wear or don't wear the raincoat when it Rains

mostly the Catholics use the Sign of the Cross
beginning of the prayers and ending of the prayers

October 01 2014 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Image Thomas K M A retired Defence Scientist from Indian Defence R&D Orgn.
Symbolism sometimes is a wonderful tool of our faith. But it is a practice being performed particularly Catholic and Orthodox Christians and other apostolic denominations 

Making sign of cross is considered as an expression of faith. It is an act of concentration of our Triune God.

To understand the sign of cross, we need to look with our right hand. The thumb, the index finger and the middle finger are joined together in the palm of the right hand. The three fingers joiner together express our faith in the Holy Trinity. By the sign of cross we proclaim our faith in the redemption.

It also signifies while making the sign of cross we simply pray `Lord I give you my hand, I give you my heart, and my love. I give you my good thoughts,actions and behaviour. Lord forgive all my ins.' Making sign of cross is considered as a simple prayer.

There are four distinct movements in making the sign of cross eg. Forehead, stomach, left shoulder and right shoulder. It symbolically means that Jesus Christ came down from heaven to earth to save the whole mankind of sinners(children of Satan) of left sides to children of God of right sides.

February 14 2017 1 response Vote Up Share Report

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