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What does the Bible mean that we are not to judge others?


Clarify Share Report Asked July 20 2015 Mini Anonymous (via GotQuestions)

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Shea S. Michael Houdmann Supporter Got Questions Ministries
Jesus' command not to judge others could be the most widely quoted of His sayings, even though it is almost invariably quoted in complete disregard of its context. Here is Jesus' statement: "Do not...

July 20 2015 4 responses Vote Up Share Report

Mini Salem Markus Purba
For the believers and followers of Jesus Christ, He is our judge, our law giver, our king and our savior (Isaiah 33: 22); means that none of us the believers and followers of Jesus Christ has an authority to judge others.

Since Jesus has taught us to ask our Father in heaven to forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. (Matthew 6: 12); but if we are judging others, then all of our prayer to the Father in heaven will be just in vain.

July 25 2015 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

Img 20170517 081600 hdr Joe Glascock Homemaker,caretaker, artist.
We cannot judge another person without judging ourselves, there's an old saying, "when you point a finger at one person, you have four more pointing back at you", and this is always the case, be wise we so often do it hoping to pull away judgement on us, by throwing it on another, but it never works out like that.

As Jesus said, if you have broken one law, you've broken them all and that makes you as guilty as the one you point your finger at, because we are both lawbreakers, to God, sin is sin, it's all the same, no one sin is worse than the others, there are no " gray area" it's either right or wrong, and good intentions are not enough, as some say the road to hell was paved with good intentions, for the most part, it's true, it should scare you straight, but it's still evil, and has the same results.

Discernment is different, it requires wisdom, it helps to avoid confusion by telling you to differentiate between good and bad according to what you know, and isn't personal, like judgement, it applies to situations, and reputations, but not the person.

Paul said that all things are lawful, but not helpful, if something you're doing is holding you back from allowing God to use you to your fullest, then quit it, (If your eye is offending you, remove it!), and Paul also stated that Nothing in and of itself is good or bad, but the way you talk about it, makes it that way, and our,thinking influences our speech and vise versa (From the heart, the mouth speaks).

Also keep in mind, that like us, Paul was human, and often did as we do, we set out to what is right, and end up doing wrong, and what we should do, we don't, and what we don't want to do, we end up doing it anyway, and because of this, we are in no way fit to judge each other.

April 11 2016 0 responses Vote Up Share Report

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