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Daniel 5:10

Commentary Critical

queen--the queen mother, or grandmother, Nitocris, had not been present till now. She was wife either of Nebuchadnezzar or of Evil merodach; hence her acquaintance with the services of Daniel. She...

Daniel 2:24

Commentary Critical

Therefore--because of having received the divine communication. bring me in before the king--implying that he had not previously been in person before the king (see on Da 2:16).

Daniel 3:2

Commentary Critical

princes--"satraps" of provinces [Gesenius]. captains--rulers, not exclusively military. sheriffs--men learned in the law, like the Arab mufti [Gesenius].

Daniel 3:9

Commentary Critical

live for ever--A preface of flattery is closely akin to the cruelty that follows. So Ac 24:2, 3, &c., Tertullus in accusing Paul before Felix.

Daniel 4:1

Commentary Critical

Peace--the usual salutation in the East, shalom, whence "salaam." The primitive revelation of the fall, and man's alienation from God, made "peace" to be felt as the first and deepest want of man....

Daniel 6:5

Commentary Critical

It is the highest testimony to a godly man's walk, when his most watchful enemies can find no ground of censure save in that he walks according to the law of God even where it opposes the ways of...

Daniel 7:11

Commentary Critical

Here is set forth the execution on earth of the judgment pronounced in the unseen heavenly court of judicature (Da 7:9, 10). body...given to...flame--(Re 19:20).

Daniel 8:19

Commentary Critical

the last end of the indignation--God's displeasure against the Jews for their sins. For their comfort they are told, the calamities about to come are not to be for ever. The "time" is limited (Da...

Daniel 8:22

Commentary Critical

not in his power--not with the power which Alexander possessed [Maurer]. An empire united, as under Alexander, is more powerful than one divided, as under the four Diadochi.

Daniel 9:12

Commentary Critical

confirmed his words--showed by the punishments we suffer, that His words were no idle threats. under...heaven hath not been done as...upon Jerusalem--(La 1:12).

Daniel 10:19

Commentary Critical

peace be unto thee--God is favorable to thee and to thy people Israel. See Jud 13:21, 22, as to the fear of some evil resulting from a vision of angels.

Daniel 4:9

Commentary Critical

spirit of the holy gods--Nebuchadnezzar speaks as a heathen, who yet has imbibed some notions of the true God. Hence he speaks of "gods" in the plural but gives the epithet "holy," which applies to...

Daniel 6:18

Commentary Critical

neither were instruments of music, &c.--Gesenius translates, "concubines." Daniel's mentioning to us as an extraordinary thing of Darius, that he neither approached his table nor his harem, agrees...

Daniel 7:28

Commentary Critical

This chapter treats of the same subject as the second chapter. But there the four kingdoms, and Messiah's final kingdom, were regarded according to their external political aspect, but here...

Daniel 1:8

Commentary Critical

Daniel...would not defile himself with...king's meat--Daniel is specified as being the leader in the "purpose" (the word implies a decided resolution) to abstain from defilement, thus manifesting a...

Daniel 10:13

Commentary Critical

prince of...Persia--the angel of darkness that represented the Persian world power, to which Israel was then subject. This verse gives the reason why, though Daniel's "words were heard from the...

Daniel 4:19

Commentary Critical

Daniel...Belteshazzar--The use of the Hebrew as well as the Chaldee name, so far from being an objection, as some have made it, is an undesigned mark of genuineness. In a proclamation to "all...

Daniel 10:20

Commentary Critical

Knowest thou wherefore--The angel asks, after Daniel had recovered from his fright, whether he has understood what was revealed (Da10:13). On Daniel, by his silence, intimating that he did...

Daniel 1:1

Commentary Critical

third year--compare Jer 25:1, "the fourth year; Jehoiakim came to the throne at the end of the year, which Jeremiah reckons as the first year, but which Daniel leaves out of count, being an...

Daniel 11:1

Commentary Critical

I--the angel (Da 10:18). first year of Darius--Cyaxares II; the year of the conquest of Babylon (Da 5:31). Cyrus, who wielded the real power, though in name subordinate to Darius, in that year...

Daniel 12:6

Commentary Critical

one--namely, of the two (Da 12:5). linen--who had spoken up to this point. God impelled the angel to ask in order to waken us out of our torpor, seeing that the very "angels desire to look...

Daniel 1:4

Commentary Critical

no blemish--A handsome form was connected, in Oriental ideas, with mental power. "Children" means youths of twelve or fourteen years old. teach...tongue of...Chaldeans--their language and...

Daniel 4:12

Commentary Critical

beasts...shadow under it--implying that God's purpose in establishing empires in the world is that they may be as trees affording men "fruits" for "meat," and a "shadow" for "rest" (compare La...

Daniel 6:1

Commentary Critical

Darius--Grotefend has read it in the cuneiform inscriptions at Persepolis, as Darheush, that is, "Lord-King," a name applied to many of the Medo-Persian kings in common. Three of that name occur:...

Daniel 9:1

Commentary Critical

first year of Darius--Cyaxares II, in whose name Cyrus, his nephew, son-in-law, and successor, took Babylon, 538 B.C. The date of this chapter is therefore 537 B.C., a year before Cyrus permitted...

Daniel 9:21

Commentary Critical

I had seen in the vision at the beginning--namely, in the former vision by the river Ulai (Da 8:1, 16). fly swiftly--literally, "with weariness," that is, move swiftly as one breathless and wearied...

Daniel 10:5

Commentary Critical

lifted up mine eyes--from the ground on which they had been fixed in his mourning. certain man--literally, "one man." An angel of the highest order; for in Da 8:16 he commands Gabriel to make...

Daniel 3:28

Commentary Critical

In giving some better traits in Nebuchadnezzar's character, Daniel agrees with Jer 39:11; 42:12. changed the king's word--have made the king's attempt to coerce into obedience vain. Have set aside...

Daniel 9:23

Commentary Critical

At the beginning of thy supplications, &c.--The promulgation of the divine decree was made in heaven to the angels as soon as Daniel began to pray. came forth--from the divine throne; so Da 9:22. ...

Zechariah 12:6

Commentary Critical

On "governors of Judah," see on Zec 9:7. hearth--or pan. a sheaf--Though small, it shall consume the many foes around. One prophet supplements the other. Thus Isa 29:1-24; Joe3:1-21; Zec...

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