
  1. Ch. 1
  2. The Command to Leave Horeb
  3. Leaders Appointed
  4. Israel's Refusal to Enter the Land
  5. The Penalty for Israel's Rebellion
  6. Ch. 2
  7. The Wilderness Years
  8. The Defeat of King Sihon
  9. Ch. 3
  10. The Defeat of King Og
  11. Moses Forbidden to Enter the Land
  12. Ch. 4
  13. Moses Commands Obedience
  14. Idolatry Forbidden
  15. The Lord Alone Is God
  16. Cities of Refuge
  17. Introduction to the Law
  18. Ch. 5
  19. The Ten Commandments
  20. Ch. 6
  21. The Greatest Commandment
  22. Ch. 7
  23. A Chosen People
  24. Ch. 8
  25. Remember the Lord Your God
  26. Ch. 9
  27. Not Because of Righteousness
  28. The Golden Calf
  29. Ch. 10
  30. New Tablets of Stone
  31. Circumcise Your Heart
  32. Ch. 11
  33. Love and Serve the Lord
  34. Ch. 12
  35. The Lord's Chosen Place of Worship
  36. Warning Against Idolatry
  37. Ch. 13
  38. Warning Against Idolatry
  39. Ch. 14
  40. Clean and Unclean Food
  41. Tithes
  42. Ch. 15
  43. The Sabbatical Year
  44. Ch. 16
  45. Passover
  46. The Feast of Weeks
  47. The Feast of Booths
  48. Justice
  49. Forbidden Forms of Worship
  50. Ch. 17
  51. Forbidden Forms of Worship
  52. Legal Decisions by Priests and Judges
  53. Laws Concerning Israel's Kings
  54. Ch. 18
  55. Provision for Priests and Levites
  1. Abominable Practices
  2. A New Prophet like Moses
  3. Ch. 19
  4. Laws Concerning Cities of Refuge
  5. Property Boundaries
  6. Laws Concerning Witnesses
  7. Ch. 20
  8. Laws Concerning Warfare
  9. Ch. 21
  10. Atonement for Unsolved Murders
  11. Marrying Female Captives
  12. Inheritance Rights of the Firstborn
  13. A Rebellious Son
  14. A Man Hanged on a Tree Is Cursed
  15. Ch. 22
  16. Various Laws
  17. Laws Concerning Sexual Immorality
  18. Ch. 23
  19. Those Excluded from the Assembly
  20. Uncleanness in the Camp
  21. Miscellaneous Laws
  22. Ch. 24
  23. Laws Concerning Divorce
  24. Miscellaneous Laws
  25. Ch. 25
  26. Miscellaneous Laws
  27. Laws Concerning Levirate Marriage
  28. Miscellaneous Laws
  29. Ch. 26
  30. Offerings of Firstfruits and Tithes
  31. Ch. 27
  32. The Altar on Mount Ebal
  33. Curses from Mount Ebal
  34. Ch. 28
  35. Blessings for Obedience
  36. Curses for Disobedience
  37. Ch. 29
  38. The Covenant Renewed in Moab
  39. Ch. 30
  40. Repentance and Forgiveness
  41. The Choice of Life and Death
  42. Ch. 31
  43. Joshua to Succeed Moses
  44. The Reading of the Law
  45. Joshua Commissioned to Lead Israel
  46. The Song of Moses
  47. Ch. 32
  48. The Song of Moses
  49. Moses' Death Foretold
  50. Ch. 33
  51. Moses' Final Blessing on Israel
  52. Ch. 34
  53. The Death of Moses