How do I know what gifts God gave me?

The Bible talks about us all having gifts, i.e the gift of discernment,  the gift of teaching, the gift of speaking in tounges, etc. How do I know what my gifts are?

Clarify Share Report Asked August 31 2017 Mini Anonymous

Closeup Jennifer Rothnie Supporter Housewife, Artist, Perpetually Curious
There are a number of ways to help narrow down and pinpoint the spiritual gift or gifts you have been given by the Holy Spirit:

1) Study the gifts as described in scripture

There are many passages that talk about spiritual gifts, so reading these is a great place to start. Rom 12:6-8, I Cor 12:4-11, I Pet 4:11, I Cor 12:48, and more!

Here is one site that lists many of the gifts, describes them, and gives some scriptures: https://www.hopepres.com/spiritual-gifts This particular list even mentions some stereotypical traits and possible personality weaknesses that may accompany certain gifts!

As you read about the gifts in scripture, think about if you have ever seen a particular gift at work in your own life and ministry.

2) Ask other Christians

Another excellent way to discover one's spiritual gifts is simply to ask other believers who know you well. They might inform you that you give really insightful biblical advice (which could mean a gift in teaching, knowledge, wisdom, exhortation, or something similar.) Perhaps they have noted that you always welcome strangers into your home and are the first to volunteer to house a missionary, showing a gift of hospitality. Etc. Sometimes even when we cannot see how our own gifts edify the church, others from the outside might have!

3) Serve! Take note of where you thrive, and where you feel burned out.

If you don't know where your gifts are, volunteer as you see needs and let your local church group know that you are available to 'fill-in' as needed. Think over past service projects you have done, as well. Take note of what areas you feel 'burned out' with vs. The areas that seem to energize you. If serving on the greet team makes you want to hide from people for a week, then that isn't a ministry that meshes with your spiritual gifts. If you find setting up chairs and tables relaxing and purposeful, you might have a gifting in service. It isn't about how difficult you find the task, but rather whether you find it to be spiritually uplifting vs. Spiritually draining.

4) Take several different spiritual gift tests

This isn't the most accurate but can help narrow things down. If you take several tests and find that the same gifts are consistently near the top, then you can start a more extensive study on the few at the top or look for service opportunities in those areas. 

5) If you believe you have an 'insight' gifts (word of knowledge, knowledge, discernment of spirits, prophecy, etc.) test to make sure that they are accurate. For example, if you sense that someone is lying, go and test their assertion before gently confronting them. If you seem to get a specific word of knowledge about a secret abortion or divorce in someone's past - talk to them in private and see if it is true. (I've had more than one person come up to me in my life and say they got a word of knowledge that was completely incorrect. That won't happen with a genuine spiritual gift.) Test prophecies to make sure they come true, etc. If you find that a gift is consistently confirmed, then it is likely from God. If you find that it is hit-and-miss, it's likely your own subconcious or even Satan.

Things to keep in mind: 

- The same gift can express itself in different ways, so don't worry if your gift doesn't look exactly like someone else's. A gift of teaching might express itself in speaking in front of a large group, in intimate one-to-one mentorship, or in writing curriculum, or in teaching youth, etc.

- Spiritual gifts are different than spiritual growth. (Discernment, for example) You may find that you score higher on spiritual gift tests in many areas the longer you are a Christian since you have likely experienced growth in many areas. In general, we all should be growing in similar areas to the spiritual gifts (teaching, discernment, faith, giving, encouragement, etc.) but a spiritual gift will be more 'supernatural.'

- Spiritual gifts are different than natural talents or learned skills.

November 06 2017 3 responses Remove Vote Share Report

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