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Jeremiah 29:7

Commentary Critical

(Ezr 6:10; Ro 13:1; 1Ti 2:2). Not only bear the Babylonian yoke patiently, but pray for your masters, that is, while the captivity lasts. God's good time was to come when they were to pray for...

John 11:3 - 5

Commentary Critical

his sisters sent unto him, saying, Lord, he whom thou lovest is sick--a most womanly appeal, yet how reverential, to the known affection of her Lord for the patient. (See Joh 11:5, 11). "Those whom...

1 Peter 3:10

Commentary Critical

will love--Greek, "wishes to love." He who loves life (present and eternal), and desires to continue to do so, not involving himself in troubles which will make this life a burden, and cause him to...

2 Thessalonians 3:5

Commentary Critical

If "the Lord" be here the Holy Ghost (2Co 3:17), the three Persons of the Trinity will occur in this verse. love of God--love to God. patient waiting for Christ--rather as Greek, "the patience...

Hebrews 6:11

Commentary Critical

And--Greek, "But." desire--Greek, "earnestly desire." The language of fatherly affection, rather than command. every one of you--implying that all in the Palestinian churches had not shown the same...

Revelation 2:19

Commentary Critical

The oldest manuscripts transpose the English Version order, and read, "faith and service." The four are subordinate to "thy works"; thus, "I know thy works, even the love and the faith (these two...

2 Peter 1:7

Commentary Critical

"And in your godliness brotherly kindness"; not suffering your godliness to be moroseness, nor a sullen solitary habit of life, but kind, generous, and courteous [Alford]. Your natural affection...

Ezra 4:6 - 24

Matthew Henry Concise

It is an old slander, that the prosperity of the church would be hurtful to kings and princes. Nothing can be more false, for true godliness teaches us to honour and obey our sovereign. But where...

1 Samuel 8:4 - 9

Matthew Henry Concise

Samuel was displeased; he could patiently bear what reflected on himself, and his own family; but it displeased him when they said, Give us a king to judge us, because that reflected upon God. It...

Ephesians 4:2 - 3

Commentary Critical

lowliness--In classic Greek, the meaning is meanness of spirit: the Gospel has elevated the word to express a Christian grace, namely, the esteeming of ourselves small, inasmuch as we are so; the...

1 Corinthians 13:7

Commentary Critical

Beareth all things--without speaking of what it has to bear. The same Greek verb as in 1Co 9:12. It endures without divulging to the world personal distress. Literally said of holding fast like a...

Revelation 1:9

Commentary Critical

I John--So "I Daniel" (Da 7:28; 9:2; 10:2). One of the many features of resemblance between the Old Testament and the New Testament apocalyptic seers. No other Scripture writer uses the phrase. ...

Romans 12:9 - 16

Matthew Henry Concise

The professed love of Christians to each other should be sincere, free from deceit, and unmeaning and deceitful compliments. Depending on Divine grace, they must detest and dread all evil, and ...

James 1:12

Commentary Critical

Blessed--Compare the beatitudes in the Sermon on the Mount (Mt 5:4,10, 11). endureth temptation--not the "falling into divers temptations" (Jas 1:2) is the matter for "joy," but the enduring of...

2 Samuel 10:1 - 5

Matthew Henry Concise

Nahash had been an enemy to Israel, yet had showed kindness to David. David therefore resolves gratefully to return it. If a Pharisee gives alms in pride, though God will not reward it, yet he...

Psalms 38:13 - 14

Commentary Critical

He patiently submits, uttering no reproaches or replies (Joh 19:9) to their insulting speeches;

Psalms 39:8 - 10

Commentary Critical

Patiently submissive, he prays for the removal of his chastisement, and that he may not be a reproach.

Hebrews 10:36

Commentary Critical

patience--Greek, "waiting endurance," or "enduring perseverance": the kindred Greek verb in the Septuagint, Hab 2:3, is translated, "wait for it" (compare Jas 5:7). after ye have done the will of...

Romans 5:1 - 5

Matthew Henry Concise

A blessed change takes place in the sinner's state, when he becomes a true believer, whatever he has been. Being justified by faith he has peace with God. The holy, righteous God, cannot be at...

Psalms 119:25 - 32

Matthew Henry Concise

While the souls of the children of this world cleave to the earth as their portion, the children of light are greatly burdened, because of the remains of carnal affections in their hearts. It is...

Malachi 3:3

Commentary Critical

sit--The purifier sits before the crucible, fixing his eye on the metal, and taking care that the fire be not too hot, and keeping the metal in, only until he knows the dross to be completely...

2 Timothy 2:24

Commentary Critical

not strive--"The servant of the Lord" must imitate his master in not striving contentiously, though uncompromising in earnestly contending for the faith (Jude 3; Mt 12:19). gentle unto all men--"...

Ezekiel 3:7

Commentary Critical

will not hearken unto thee: 15:20). Take patiently their rejection of thee, for I thy Lord bear it along with thee.

Hebrews 6:11 - 20

Matthew Henry Concise

The hope here meant, is a sure looking for good things promised, through those promises, with love, desire, and valuing of them. Hope has its degrees, as faith also. The promise of blessedness...

Psalms 27:7 - 14

Matthew Henry Concise

Wherever the believer is, he can find a way to the throne of grace by prayer. God calls us by his Spirit, by his word, by his worship, and by special providences, merciful and afflicting. When we...

Isaiah 55:6 - 13

Matthew Henry Concise

Here is a gracious offer of pardon, and peace, and of all happiness. It shall not be in vain to seek God, now his word is calling to us, and his Spirit is striving with us. But there is a day...

Job 6:8

Commentary Critical

To desire death is no necessary proof of fitness for death. The ungodly sometimes desire it, so as to escape troubles, without thought of the hereafter. The godly desire it, in order to be with the...

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