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What does the Bible say about a death bed conversion?
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What does the Bible say about a death bed conversion?
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What does the Bible say about altar calls? Are altar calls biblical?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 25 votes.
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Why should I not commit suicide?
Lot's of answers...but none of them really give the answer from the Bible as to why punishment in Hell is fair. First of all, lets straighten one thing out....
Some use this question in an attempt to "disprove" the existence of God. In fact, there is a popular anti-Christian website dedicated to the "Why won't God...
Does "sacrificing one's time" count as worship? Is "singing a song while praying" worship? Is worship abstract? Or does it require a concrete sacrifice?
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When did the separation of humanity into Jews and Gentiles occur?
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What happened at Mars Hill in the Bible?
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What are some modern forms of idolatry?
It is important to understand that the dating of the Gospels and other New Testament books is at best an educated guess and at worst foolish speculation. For...
Certainly most of the New Testament was written prior to the destruction of Jerusalem and The Temple in 70 AD. Jesus prophesied the destruction of the temple...
Christianity began roughly 2,000 years ago, shortly after the death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ. Acts 11:26b says, "It was at Antioch that the...
Well how can anyone "accept" Christ when it is actually God who Chooses Him first? John 15:16 You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you......
Not only did they believe the Messiah would establish a earthly kingdom and rule over the earth (now), they were blinded to the things of God, BY God himself...
You could express their need for a SAVIOR. One problem with Buddhism and Vedanta, in the face of Jesus Christ, is the notion that man can save himself by...
I have been a student of God's word since before I could even read. To me, the very inception/creation of sin began in the sudden filling of the angel heart...
1 Corinthians 9:5 reads: "We each have the right to marry one of the Lord's followers and to take her along with us, just as the other apostles and the...
It's important to establish from scripture, anyone who sins, scripture says their "soul dies". The state of their "dead soul" is stated to be "Sheol" “...
1 Timothy 1:15 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I (Paul) am chief....
My heart goes out to you, and in my spirit I feel the weight and pain of your heart, the sadness, regret and self loathing. You are not alone, for thus saith...
Salvation comes from the grace of God. It enters our hearts through the door of faith in Jesus Christ. James was trying to tell us that both sides of the...
Interesting question. The bible isn't clear on the "first "animal, yet, on Day Four of creation - "God said, Let the waters swarm with swarms of living...
(1) Daniel is given a Vision when all Dominion, Power, and Kingdoms are Gods now Daniel 7:13-14 I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of...
I remember a day when I was abandoned, I was just five discarded like trash no one seemed to want me. After I was found i was placed in children services....
I pray not that Thou shouldst take them out of the world. —John 17:15 It is a sweet and blessed event which will occur to all believers in God's own time—the...
In the primitive church of the book of Romans there was not much distinction between what is called today the clergy (preachers, pastors, ministers, etc.)...
Honestly, no scripture comes to my mind. However, my experience is that Jesus really does love me and wants me to live each day he has planned for me. When I...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Was the American Revolution a violation of Romans 13:1-7?
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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What does the Bible say about the pope or papacy?
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Are there different levels of Heaven?
Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) was formerly classified as an anxiety disorder but is now categorized separately by the American Psychological...
You should not commit suicide because there is hope. It may take a lot of hard work to get past feelings of hopelessness, despair, and sadness, but it is...
First of all I'm rather uphualed by the demonizing of men and the over use of sexual stereotypes that permeate our culture. For the moment I will lay aside...
There are thousands of religions organized by men. Outwardly, "These things indeed have an appearance of wisdom in self-imposed religion, false humility, and...
It must be understood that in the Old Testament times God always send someone be it a Prophet or King to lead the children of Israel, to fight for them and...
Yeshua (Jesus) is the Good Shepherd and all sheep belongs to Him. He did not ask Peter to take control, own or even direct where and when the sheep come or...
It is referring to God the Son. John 3:18 "He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not...
Baptism in and of the Holy Spirit is synonymous with the indwelling of and receiving the Holy Spirit as scripture will reveal. We know from scripture that...
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What should a Christian wife do if her husband hardly wants to be intimate with her?
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Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Are apparitions of Mary, such as Lady Fatima, true messages from God?
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Is it wrong to be a Christian secretly in order to preserve your own life?
To begin with let us focus on this term in Corinthians 12. “For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body” The Holy Spirit’s work is to convict of sin...
We are now discussing, what I consider, the most important understanding we need! OUR IDENTITY IN CHRIST! When John baptized Jesus, he exclaimed, "Behold,...
This interesting question relates to our faithfulness being a sacrificial act of dedication. Just as in marriage we promise never to enjoy sexual pleasure...
Jesus Himself acknowledged the rightful judgment of Sodom (and surrounding cities, "It will be better for Sodom.... than for you.... for they would have...
My opinion is that marriage as biblically defined is a state that exists between a man and woman who are consenting adults and have had sex. In my view you...
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