How should a Christian view sex education?
I am a school nurse and a Christian. I unfortunately have to face this daily at the junior high and high school I work in. The number one answer and has to...
I am a school nurse and a Christian. I unfortunately have to face this daily at the junior high and high school I work in. The number one answer and has to...
Jesus meant that He IS the great 'I AM'...Jesus was declaring to be God in the Flesh, not a 'person' in the Godhead. Jesus is the flesh/Son of God. The One...
Are Christians sinners, saints, or both? We sure are not sinners, for that's what Christ our Lord died to deliver us from. "How shall we, that are 'dead to...
The enemy of God and man has been using the same tricks to deceive mankind for as long as we have been here on earth. He started in Gen. 3:1-6 Then the...
Menu Jude 1 GREETING 1 Jude, a servant of Jesus Christ and brother of James, To those who are called, beloved in God the Father and kept for Jesus...
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What does it mean to be in the presence of God?
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Criterion: 5 people read an answer or article shared from eBible.
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How can I become more motivated for soul winning?
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How can we live joyful knowing a loved one may be in hell?
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Is there any scriptural basis for praying for the unsaved?
When the bible says, the husband should treat the wife as the weaker vessel, I strongly believe the bible wasn't saying the wife is weaker than the husband,...
First of all, we have to recognize that leadership is a project of God. God Himself is a leader and He knows the whole task of leadership, though on His...
Jesus returning the second time is to put down all rule and authority which signifies JUDGMENT. Pay attention to the words of this text 1 Corinthians...
The Holy Trinity has always been in existence, all three persons of the Godhead, the Father the Son, and The Holy Spirit. So in what form did Jesus exist an...
This is a description of the Great Tribulation Christ echoes in Matthew 24:21-22. Both Daniel 12:7 and Revelation 12:14 show that the Great Tribulation will...
I hear what you are saying. Today's pastors are more concerned with tickling the ears of their followers; it comes down to NUMBERS. People want to hear that...
I don't think it's about "perfection", everything is about PURPOSE. Genesis 1:31 And God saw everything that He had made and behold, it was very good... Very...
Bible Hermeneutics may be defined as the systematic interpretation of Biblical scriptures historically, grammatically and contextually through laid down...
In what context is perverted speech used here?
Proverbs 8:13
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How should a Christian view sex education?
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What are appropriate reasons for missing church?
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Should a Christian use a dating service to find a spouse?
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What does it mean that the Holy Spirit will convict the world of sin, righteousness, and judgment?
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What does the Bible say about witchcraft? Should a Christian fear witchcraft?
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What does the Bible say about killing in war? Is killing in war a sin?
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Is it okay to let my children watch cartoons?
Matt. 7: 15-20; Romans 16:18 The devil sets trap to catch us and he disguises his trap with elements of truth. Genesis 3:1 "Now the serpent was more crafty...
Once the war is declared (1 Samuel 17:1-11), it will involve all of the strength of both side; physically and spiritually; God versus gods (1 Samuel...
Great question of much importance to mankind as we travel down the cosmic illusion of time, created by a Holy God for His purpose and glory. Isaiah 46:10 To...
For the believers and followers of Jesus Christ, who have known Jesus is God Himself "I AM WHO I AM" (Exodus 3:14) and through the Gospel of John 1:1-14; 6:...
The title "Ancient of Days" first appears in Daniel 7:9, where Daniel is describing his vision of heaven. There an ancient, or venerable, Person sits on a...
Wicca is a neo-pagan religion that has been growing in popularity and acceptance in the United States and Europe. There are many websites and books claiming...
When Jesus said "I AM" he was referring to the fact that he was the Messiah, which the leaders of Israel would not accept and tried to trump up any excuse to...
Criterion: Write an answer that receives 5 votes.
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Is it okay to let my children watch cartoons?
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Does Acts 2:38 teach that baptism is necessary for salvation?
When we affirm in the Creed that 'I believe in the holy catholic church' we mean that we recognise the worldwide church of Jesus Christ, and are confessing...
Elders (in the Bible also known as pastors, also known as bishops, Acts 20, Titus 1, 1 Pet 5) are to be "the husbands of one wife". How anyone could take...
The cities of refuge were part of the distribution of the Promised Land among the twelve tribes of Israel. Only one tribe, the Levites, was not given land to...
Hi Darius. God loves you even if you have wicked thoughts about Him, even if you curse Him. You are not pathetic, nor satanic. You are a child of God. Have...
Yes, a Messianic Jew can marry a Christian. In marriages with disparity of cult, the Christian spouse has a particular task: "For the unbelieving husband is...
The spiritual gift of faith is found in the list of the gifts of the Spirit in 1 Corinthians 12. Verse 9 says that some people are given the gift of faith,...
I have been attending a church on and off for the past year and a half. At first the head pastor seemed to be preaching God's Word to the best of his ability...
God is going to pour his wrath on the world as it says in revalation, but ony for the unsaved. Christian will be pulled up before the tribulation. Us as...
The unsaved are the object of our faith. We are to love them and show them gods love. We are not to be isolated for them, we are to be in the world but not...
It seems to me that the Bible teaches that God pours out ALL of his wrath twice--once at the cross (in the past), and once at the great white throne judgment...
The bible says that we were created for Gods pleasure. To be able to show Love there has to be a choice between loving God or not loving him. God can deal...
I for a year now I have wicked thoughts about God. Some when I cursed God and some that I am too ashamed to even type about. I even have thoughts telling me ...
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