Where is Matthew 17:21?
Matthew 17:20
I have found I have struggled with repeated sin. It is deep it is dark. It is destructive. In short it has destroyed my life.
Romans 8:1
I have found I have struggled with repeated sin. It is deep it is dark. It is destructive. In short it has destroyed my life.
Romans 8:1
1. Admit you are a sinner. That's easy. 2. Believe Jesus came was crucified for you and resurrected from the dead. 3. Confess your sins to Jesus and ask...
If I remember correctly, a 'coney' is a rabbit or hare.
Actually, "Coney Island" does draw its name from it's fuzzy little inhabitants.
The only thing that has ever helped me to forgive someone that hurts me is to find a spot away from everyone, kneel before God and cry out my pain, anger,...
Gal. 6:1 is a good answer. We are told in other scriptures to not to eat with workers of darkness. However, we need to speak with them and urge them to...
The good news - the message of salvation by Jesus, through Jesus, is meant for all of humanity, regardless of race (Jews or Gentiles), age, gender or wealth....
He seems to be doing it half-hazardly like he doesn't care where the seeds land. How do we apply this to how we share our faith? Are we supposed to do it hal...
Matthew 13:1 - 9
This helpes me! I lift them up to God and make sure to Pray for them. This not only changes the situation but also give me peace in Christ. This takes a lot...
This is helped me! I lift them up to God and make sure to Pray for them. This not only changes the situation but also give me peace in Christ. This takes a...
Something that helps me is meditating on the fact that they are (or have the potential to be) the children of God, too. Sometimes when I feel animosity...
Something that helps me is meditating on the fact that they are (or have the potential to be) the children of God, too. Sometimes when I feel animosity...
Something that helps me is meditating on the fact that they are (or have the potential to be) the children of God, too. Sometimes when I feel animosity...
The first step that you can take in dealing with your enemies is to forgive them. Yes, it will be hard and human nature dictates that we must get even. But...
The first step that you can take in dealing with your enemies is to forgive them. Yes, it will be hard and human nature dictates that we must get even. But...
When we are hurt....it is hard to let go of the pain. Our flesh will hold onto the hurt and pain....then a bitter root grows from the unforgiveness and then...
It is hard to forgive, especially if you honestly believe that this person does not merit forgiveness from you for whatever. But what has helped me is...
It is hard to forgive, especially if you honestly believe that this person does not merit forgiveness from you for whatever. But what has helped me is...
Hello Helena, This is a good question and i believe it's one of the ways to know a true christian. If i get you right, you mean how do one relate with a baby...
Revelation 3:14 - 22
I've also struggled with this issue at various times (I'm sure we all have at one time or another), and I've found that the advice given in Matthew 5:43-48...
In this passage, 1 Corinthians 12:1-11, Paul speaks of people having individual gifts, but also that all gifts come from the same Holy Spirit, and that "He...
I think the answer is that you are not excused, that everyone is supposed to use every gift, though some are better at some gifts than others. What does the ...
1 Corinthians 12:1 - 11
There's a saying that "Idol hands are the devil's workshop". The Bible talks about being lazy/idol quite a bit. It says those who refuse to put their hand to...
I understand there are exceptions to this (i.e. Job's wealth being taken away because he was being tested) but I'm asking "usually".
Proverbs 24:33 - 34
1) Convicted that indeed you are a miserable sinner. 2) You want to run away, to change, to get out of this miserable sinful life. 3) You realized you cannot...
Personally I feel that the Sabbath is often portrayed negatively, for whatever reasons. Perhaps it's the list of laws that came with it in the Jewish Law....
This particular parable has probably raised more questions and concerns than any other. Usually, Bible students want to know how Jesus could use the behavior...
I do not believe that the reverse is true.
The term "wealth" in the context of 1 Timothy 6:6 is also translated as "gain" in other translations. "Now there is great gain in godliness with contentment,...
James, Here is a simple rule to follow. The smallest form of interpretation is in the paragraph. When you take a verse out of the context of the paragraph,...
It is also important to remember that uncleanness does not necessarily imply sin. We know Christ touched corpses and even raised a few from the dead... yet...
According to Jewish law, "uncleanness" in this context is associated with sin and death. Those in contact with human corpse must keep away and undergo a...
Numbers 19:22
The story of Exodus amazes me always, and reminds me always that "seeing is not believing". I can't imagine someone who had gone thru what the Israelites did...
Is it because faith comes from believing in Jesus?
Hebrews 4:1 - 16
A wise person accumulates savings and wealth. A foolish person spends them and have nothing to show for.
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