Who was Mary Magdaleine and why was she chosen to be the first to see the resurrection?
A number are leaving their church because they find it dry, uninteresting, unable to satisfy their spiritual hunger. They suffer from the famine foretold by...
That is an excellent question James i have often asked that question as well. At John 17:3 Jesus pointed out that everlasting life meant tanking in accurate...
But why did Lot’s wife look back? Was she curious about what was happening? Did she turn back because of disbelief or lack of faith? Or, rather, was hers a...
Revelation 12:9 And the great dragon was thrown down, that ancient serpent, who is called the devil and Satan, the deceiver of the whole world - he was...
If you think about it all man came from Adam and Eve but also all man was also from Noah and his wife as well man became evil and and defective and as the...
Because thru generations of incest bad genes were starting to be passed down Adam and Eve were perfect without defect
Daniel 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and...
I notice many in the church do not know scripture. Nor do they open the bible. After carefully questioning many who love God, I find that people don't have ...
With all its advantages, pre-Flood society had a bad start. Its founder, Adam, was a rebel against God. Cain, the builder of the first recorded city,...
The Bible does not condemn the drinking of alcohol, obviously Jesus and his Apostles used wine when celebrating the last Passover, but as shown in your...
When and what is Judgment day? The mental picture that many have of judgment day is quite frightening. So many people think that billions of souls will be...
The headship arrangement is of divine origin. After Adam was created, Jehovah God went on to say: “It is not good for the man to continue by himself. I am...
The Bible tells us: “When men started to grow in numbers ... and daughters were born to them, then the sons of the true God began to notice the daughters of...
In Matthew 24 Jesus was not addressing the "end of the world" in reference to "this Generation". That was not the Disciple's question in the first couple of...
This is from another forum I posted in, elsewhere on the Web. It might get a bit convoluted at points, but I think it covers the question about Shabbat and...
Because of deterioration of the human genome due to the curse. I have found reading material from "Institute for Creation Research" to be particularly...
I'm no Greek scholar either. But I found this question so interesting that I did some research. The word fro Greek translated "generation" in the phrase...
I'm not a scholar of the Greek, but have been told that "generation" can have several meanings. It seems to me that the most likely is the meaning "race" as...
First of all it is quite obvious that God gave the Sabbath commanment to Israel as a nation. Not to see that is to close your eyes deliberately to the facts....
The person who has believed that Jesus died for our sins and rose on the third day as fulfillment of Old Testament prophecy, then is willing to accept Jesus...
The law against sibling intermarriage was not recognized until the period of Moses (Leviticus 18 through 20). All men and women are descendants of Adam and...
If we believe the story of creation, then the world was recreated through incest in the strict interpretation of the word. If all mankind stemmed from Adam a...
Leviticus 18:1 - 30
Remember that we did not choose Him. He chose us. Learn his word. Learn His commands and obey them. Love each other. One of the answers to being in Christ...
Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and...
This Scripture to describe a close, intimate, personal relationship. John 14:20-23 — If we love Jesus and keep His commands, we are in Him and He is in us,...
Galatians 3:27 For as many of you as have been baptized into Christ have put on Christ. But to be baptized into Christ you must follow: Acts 2:38 "Then Peter...
These two following scriptures say so, but it interprets same as being in Christ. The scriptures are: 1. Galatians 3:27 For as many of you as have been...
12 No one has ever seen God; if we love one another, God abides in us and his love is perfected in us. 13 By this we know that we abide in him and he in us,...
It seems to me that when Jesus told his disciples they were not to be called "Rabbi" or "Teacher," nor were they to "call anyone on earth your father," he...
The Bible speaks in several places of our being in Christ. Where, exactly, does the Bible tell us how to be in Christ?
God predestined before the world began that those who conform to His will would be saved.
Christ was raised on the first day of the week. This is reason enough to celebrate the Lord's Supper on the first day--not because a Catholic pope chanced it...
That's an awesome question. Here it is what I learned through the Bible and through my personal walk with God: Pastors are not spiritual owners of the sheep....
Jesus disciples were sanctified by the word of God and The Holy Spirit through Jesus. The same way it works in the church and the family through a man or a...
There is a difference between submit & surrender! We choose to humble ourselves to someone in submission, A leader, a boss, Police/law, a wife to her...
The authority of a Pastor for his flock or of a husband for his wife doesn't mean to control or be above. Jesus modeled spiritual authority through...
No! We must submit to each other, Ephesians 5:21 says. But Hebrews 13:17 also tells us to obey and submit to our leaders because they watch over our souls....
I form the light and create darkness, I make peace and create calamity; I, the LORD, do all these things.' - Isaiah 45:7 The Lord has made everything for his...
As difficult as it might be at times, yes, you are instructed in the Bible to submit to your husband unless he asks you to do something that directly...
Wives should submit for the very same reasons men are to submit to God. God men men to protect, provide, lead and love their wives. They are the weaker...
Put simply God created everything, John 1:3 Yes he created the tree of life and with it knowledge of good and evil (understanding), however, the question to...
Yes, He is so forgiving. But that forgiveness of sin is not granted unless the person repents (is sorry for and does not want to repeat said sin). From the...
Look at it this way. Compare these opposites: good and evil = light and dark = heat and cold. Dark is the absence of a source of light, cold is the absence...
In general, Christians living in the western world do not have a good grasp of the meaning of holiness. Because we like to reduce everything to manageable...
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